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VisionNet Network DVR Whitepaper
  1. From VCR to Digitalization
  2. What is DVR?
  3. TCP/IP Infrastructure
  4. What is Network DVR?
  5. How DVR save your cost?

What is a network DVR?

Network DVR
A Network DVR is a DVR linking CCTV cameras together, and records all signal to Hard Disk, but at the same time, provide remotely access from Internet or computer network to download, replays record, being controlled by remote user but without affecting normal daily operations.

Our DVR is TCP/IP based, that means:
Flexibility and Compatibility:
When every computer connects to the Internet, a unique IP address is allocated to the computer, IP addresses are used to locate computer locations in the world of Internet. When user's computer and the DVR are IP-based, they can communicate with each other and share information or resources.

Comparing DVR and Network DVR
In dealing with situation of small to mid-large businesses, for instance, retail stores, chain stores, offices and showrooms, this is not desirable to deploy DVR operator at the site. Stores got limited space, security cost would be unacceptable to small-mid businesses that actually do more harm than good. The only solution is to reduce man power in the area of security.

Using VCR-based technology, records are bounded in tapes. But with Network DVR, records are digitalized, system links and distributes all the capturing images and records together by computer network or Internet. Record can be transmitted automatically that user can monitor every site whom wants, at home, or at anywhere.

This revolutionary function is particularly useful to small-mid businesses owners, they can monitor their property while on traveling or at home.

The concept of Network DVR behind the scenes illustrated as follow:

1. With dedicated cameras deployment on targeted site, and all capturing images transmitted to VisonNet's Network DVR.

2. Network DVR handled all the things basically. Digitalized the image and record to "Storage Buffer", that is a device for storing records in the Network DVR. By Internet or computer network access, all the records and capturing images are distributed to authorized computers and users.
ps: "Storage buffer" is a device inside the Network DVR of which is used to store records. Generally, when system running 24-hour a day non-stop recording with 12.5 Frame/sec video quality, records would be stored at the "Storage buffer" for one month without being erased.

3. If necessary, monitor can be installed and connected to the Network DVR, just like VCR-TV, all the images would be displayed, and system allow users to change surveillance settings with authorization password.

4. With the help of Internet, user can access to the Network DVR to download or replay record, monitor or record real-time by generic desktop/notebooks computers.

As VisionNets' Network DVR (Digital Video Recorder) is a self-contained surveillance system that stores high quality video records longer than any other conventional DVR solution. As all the records are being controlled by Advanced Data Preservation and Circulation Mechanism, system will recognize all important data, such as data generated by Motion Detection, it will preserve them in storage buffer and never destroy or erase unless authorized user do it manually. Other unimportant data would be erased for records replacements. System comprises all the necessary components for recording and viewing over the network: CPU, Ethernet interface, memory controllers, device interfaces, video compressor, and Hard disk storage device.

With the power of Network accessing capability, VisionNets' Network DVR surpasses other generic DVR in the market.

How Network DVR saving your cost

For more information:

Network DVR Whitepaper

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