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VisionNet Network DVR Whitepaper
  1. From VCR to Digitalization
  2. What is DVR?
  3. TCP/IP Infrastructure
  4. What is Network DVR?
  5. How DVR save your cost?

How Network DVR save your cost?

The following configuration scenarios and cost comparisons do not relate to the real environmental factors about the technology. They are presented here as general illustrations to help end user consider how Network DVR effectively saving costs in terms of performance and reliability.

We go through here by two scenarios, New installation of surveillance system and existing users.

Scenario 1 New installation: ABC Press Center installs visual surveillance equipments to ensure the safety of employees, their valuable customers, and property. The total area requires 16 cameras performing 24-hour a day non-stop recording with 12.5 Frame/second quality.

VCR-based system DVR Network DVR
Cameras with lens




Recording equipment $1500 $1900 $2100
Monitor, Keyboard, Multiplexer......
$500 $100 $100
Motion Detection Device --- included included
Storage device renewal $500 tapes included included
Networking Access --- --- included
Installations $1500 $1500 $1500
TOTAL $5920 $5420 $5620

*All the price above are in US dollars

Scenario 2 Existing User: ABC Press Center would like to renew existing VCR visual surveillance equipments. With 16 installed cameras and cable infrastructure.

VCR-based system DVR Network DVR

Already installed

Already installed

Already installed

Recording equipment $1500 $1900 $2100
Monitor, Keyboard, Multiplexer......
$500 $100 $100
Motion Detection Device --- included included
Storage device renewal $500 tapes included included
Networking Access --- --- included
Installations --- --- ---
TOTAL $2500 $2000 $2200

Comparing with the above three system, their purposes are the same but with different functionality, VCRs are impossible to provide network access feature of which may save a lot of costs on man power. Records distributions are more effective and easy. When it comes to new technology, the cost of Network DVR is just a little bit more than DVR.

VisionNet bestseller Network DVR   -   SW-80

For more information:

Network DVR Whitepaper

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